Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Weekly reading: Brewer- Introduction, Ch. 1,2, and 3

 Susan Brewer began the introduction with the term propaganda and how she reflects on it’s true meaning during times America has gone to war.  In chapter one, Brewer discusses the terrorist attack that took place on 9/11 and the campaign that President Bush introduced to America that promoted War in Iraq.  During that time America was in war with Iraq, I remember President Bush constantly stating that our troops were invading Iraq because we were “protecting” and “defending” our country from any attack of creating America to become insecure to its citizens.  Brewer made a good and clear point that made me reminisce during the actual state of America being in war with Iraq when she stated that “American must go to war, announce officials, to secure their own safety, liberate the Iraqi people, and spread the democracy in the Middle East.”  When I read this, I remembered of all the confusion many Americans were in when our troops were in Iraq and the lingering question of “why are our troops still in Iraq” that many US citizens asked.

Brewer concentrates a lot on the term “propaganda” and ties it a lot into the topic of September 11th.  At first I was hesitant in trying to understand her point of view in terms of what she thought and believed in reference to America’s wars and it’s true reasoning behind war decisions.  Brewer strongly states and enforces that during the time of America being at war, politics and truth clash and produce an ideal theme in making the public believe a certain reason or logic that is ultimately a cover-up for more deeper and political reasoning.  For example, Brewer gives examples of the World War II during the conflicts with Germany and Japan.  Also, the same tactics in using themes like “War for America’s safety and protection” were presented when America was in search for Saddam Hussein and had troops invade Iraq.

During the Philippines war America and the Filipinos were fighting for the Philippine Islands.  America was in this to gain the land and natural resources.  McKinley administrated a lot towards this war in Philippines.

All in all, this book so far seems to lay out a different point of view and establish and question the reasoning behind America’s wars during the century. 

Quiz Question: What does propaganda mean?

Research Proposal:  When America goes into war, how and why are themes usually presented in a different way using propaganda to ensure safety? Doesn’t that defeat democracy and involving the public to updated news and truth?


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